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Kehinde Wiley
Judith and Holofernes, 2012

Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid
Girl and Stalin, 1992-93

Yasumasa Morimura
Mother (Judith II), 1991

Franz von Stuck
Judith and Holofernes, 1926

Gustav Klimt
Judith, 1909

Gustav Klimt
Judith and Holofernes, 1901-02

August Riedel
Judith, 1840

Francisco de Goya
Judit y Holofernes, ca. 1819-23

anonymous, likely English
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1800s

Giovanna Garzoni
Portrait of the Duchess Vittoria della Rovere as Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. mid-1700s

Francisco Solimena
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1728-33

Philip van Dijk
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1726

Muhammad Zaman
Judith with the Severed Head of Holofernes, ca. 1680

Elisabetta Sirani
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1660

Theophile Bigot (Trophime)
Judith Cutting Off the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1640

Bernardo Cavallino
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1640

Rembrandt van Rijn
Judith at the Banquet of Holofernes, 1634

Francisco del Cairo
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1630-35

Valentin de Boulogne
Judith and Holofernes, 1626

Valentin de Boulogne
Judith, 1625/28

Artemisia Gentileschi
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1625

Johann Liss
Judith in the Tent of Holofernes, 1622

Peter Paul Rubens
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1616

Cristofano Allori
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1613

Artemisia Gentileschi
Judith and Her Maidservant, 1613-14

Artemisia Gentileschi
Judith Slaying Holofernes, ca. 1612

Carlo Sarceni
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1610-15

Orazio Gentileschi
Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes, 1610-12

Giuseppe Cesari
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1605-10

Michelangelo Caravaggio
Judith Beheading Holofernes, 1599

Abraham Bloemaert
Judith Presents the Head of Holofernes to the People, 1593

Paolo Caliari Veronese
Judith and Holofernes, 1582

Jacopo Tintoretto
Judith and Holofernes, ca. 1579

Jan Massijs
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, prior to 1575

Lorenzo Sabatini
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1562

Giorgio Vasari
Judith and Holofernes, ca. 1554

Jan Sanders van Hemessen
Judith, ca. 1535

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1530

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1530

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1530

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1520-37

Tiziano Vecelli (Titian)
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, ca. 1515

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Judith and Holofernes, detail from the Sistine Chapel, ca. 1508-12

Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco (Giorgione)
Judith, 1504

Andrea Mantegna
Judith and Holofernes, ca. 1495

Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff
Judith Holofernes, from The Nuremberg Chronicles, 1493

Sandro Botticelli
Judith's Return to Bethulia, 1470

Diebold Lauber
Title page of The Book of Judith, ca. 1441-49

The Azor Master
Judith Shows Holofernes' Head, ca. 1430

see also It's About Time for Barbara Wells Sarudy's collection of Judith images

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